
Chooch AI Helps Improve Safety, Care and Efficiency in Healthcare with NVIDIA Clara Guardian

Healthcare providers are increasingly challenged as they are tasked with doing more, faster, especially in times of crisis. Now, the confluence of GPUs and AI has generated a solution to meet these challenges. Video streams connected to Chooch AI on the NVIDIA Jetson platform can act as eyes, alongside microphones that can act as AI-enabled ears thanks to the NVIDIA Clara Guardian platform. The benefits include improved public safety, better patient care, and more operational efficiency at healthcare facilities.

Working with NVIDIA, Chooch AI has made it possible to automatically monitor health safety without bias by detecting, for example, that hands have been scrubbed, masks are being worn, and that everyone is fever free. In medical procedures, visual AI ensures that all actions during a surgical procedure can be tracked and recorded. This can range from counting gauzes to minimize the risk that one is left in a surgical cavity to the recording the exact time anesthesia was applied and ended.

Chooch AI Platform and NVIDIA Clara Guardian

Delivering AI at the edge not only improves response times but also minimizes privacy concerns. Chooch runs Edge AI on NVIDIA Jetson Nano, NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX and NVIDIA T4 inference GPUs, generating response times as fast as 0.02 seconds for high accuracy image, action, and object recognition. Whether tracking actions in surgical procedures or mask compliance, NVIDIA and Chooch AI are bringing real-time AI to the edge of healthcare. While Chooch AI focuses on interpreting video in real time, NVIDIA Clara Guardian includes the NVIDIA DeepStream SDK as well as NVIDIA NeMo and Jarvis for AI-enabled speech and language processing.

NVIDIA Clara is a healthcare-specific set of SDKs and application frameworks that run on the NVIDIA EGX platform for AI computing on edge servers and embedded devices. NVIDIA Clara Guardian is an application framework that simplifies the development and deployment of smart sensors with multi-modal AI anywhere in a hospital.

From fever detection and mask detection to medical imaging analysis to action logging in surgical theaters, Chooch AI on NVIDIA edge devices improves healthcare outcomes, powering new efficiencies in AI-enabled hospitals and beyond.

Learn more about Chooch Healthcare AI.
