Chooch News

New Release – Chooch Inference Engine v8.0

Chooch Inference Engine v8

Chooch Inference Engine v8.0 brings incredible enhancements to Chooch’s Computer Vision and Generative AI capabilities. We’ve taken our computer vision platform one step forward by offering flexible deployment options. Deploy your computer vision solutions to cloud, on-premise, and edge devices.

Chooch AI Vision Platform is More Powerful than Ever

This release includes ground-breaking updates, including Alerts Dashboard, real-time browser notifications, custom logo integration, MQTT compatibility, and more! We’ve also optimized GPU resource usage enabling Chooch’s platform to perform efficiently even on budget GPUs. You don’t need to invest in high end GPUs to achieve the results you need — saving you money.  

Inference Engine V8 Dashboard
Release highlights:

Low GPU resource requirements

This release optimizes GPU resource usage, so now Chooch’s platform can run on GPUs with even the most modest performance capabilities, making it accessible to a broader range of users without high-end GPUs.

ImageChat Alerts

Seamless generative AI integration

Now, Chooch’s Inference Engine v8.0 delivers the full power of generative AI. Chooch has fully integrated, ImageChat, Large Vision Model (LVM). It can be accessed directly from the Chooch Inference Engine. This provides a streamlined workflow for using Chooch’s pre-trained ReadyNow models as well as ImageChat foundational model to build custom object detection models.

Because ImageChat is pre-trained on millions of visual elements, it reduces the time spent on data preparation and model training. Users can leverage prompt engineering to systematically query cameras and visual content enabling more accurate and efficient video analysis and recognition. By creating automated custom prompts, users can reduce manual video and image data review times and save human resources.

For example, ALERTCalifornia has incorporated ImageChat into their wildfire detection system. They have avoided the time-consuming task of training a detection model to identify fire and smoke. ImageChat has been pre-trained to identify fire and smoke in a number of different environments. Using customized prompts, ImageChat will systematically ping cameras with “is there any fire or smoke.” If the answer is “yes,” real-time alerts with the relevant image are sent to first responders to initiate further action.

Air-gapped environment compatibility

This latest release offers the ability to use ImageChat foundational model without internet or cloud dependencies. This means your data is secure anytime, anywhere. ImageChat’s ability to work in air-gapped, no-internet-connection environments ensures that critical tasks can be performed even in isolated settings.

Inference Engine v8 Detections

New alerts dashboard

See the latest alerts for each stream and history of alerts to catch up on what you may have missed.

Logo customization

Customize the Chooch Inference Engine for your customer site or location by including your logo.

Fully integrated notifications

Receive notifications in the inference engine that provide helpful insight about what is being detected from the cameras.

MQTT integration

Export events and analytics data as an MQTT stream and route to your data lake or visualization tool with ease.

Docker and Kubernetes updates

New updates to the Docker and Kubernetes backend to ensure the Chooch Inference Engine is operating at its best.

Learn More About Chooch AI-powered Computer Vision Solutions

Chooch has radically improved computer vision platform with Large Language Models to deliver GenAI-infused computer vision. Chooch combines the power of computer vision with language understanding to deliver more innovative solutions for analyzing video and text data at scale. Chooch’s ReadyNow models for common applications help customers deploy computer vision quickly, realizing faster time-to-value.

Chooch has helped customers deploy computer vision solutions for workplace safety, retail loss prevention, people counting, manufacturing QA, wildfire detection, and more

Whether on cloud, on premise, at the edge, or self-hosted, Chooch helps businesses deploy computer vision faster to improve investment time to value.

Create a free Chooch account to see how it works or request a demo to learn more.
